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Product Price Quantity Total  
flower stick The Organic Flower Stick

$ 49

$ 49 Qty:
$ 49

Cart totals

Subtotal $ 49

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Total $ 74 (includes $ 10 MOMS)

Don't forget to add…

  • Candle Holder “Mini Root – Silver

    $ 69
  • Garden Glove Gold Digger

    $ 69
  • Garden Glove Silverbullet

    $ 69
  • Watering Can Pearl – 4 L

    $ 69
  • Watering Can Eucalyptus – 4 L

    $ 69

Don't forget to add…

  • Watering Can Pearl – 4 L

    $ 69
  • Garden Glove Silverbullet

    $ 69
  • Candle Holder “Mini Root – Silver

    $ 69
  • Garden Glove Gold Digger

    $ 69
  • Watering Can Eucalyptus – 4 L

    $ 69